
Mensha, China Merges To Venture $1 Billion In Green Energy


A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed by Mensha Ventures and its key partners from China to spend $1 billion in infrastructure projects for green energy in the area. 

On the sidelines of the Annual Investment Meeting taking place in Abu Dhabi, the MoU was signed with partners including the Asia Development & Investment Bank, Hoover Investment Group, and Shenzhen Sinomaster Investment Group (SMT).
This partnership's main goal is to strengthen the UAE's capability for sustainability by creating infrastructure projects for renewable energy. This programme will lessen the UAE's carbon impact while assisting it in meeting its goals for renewable energy. 

The organisations will be able to use their combined skills thanks to this relationship to have a long-lasting effect on society and the environment.
This relationship will promote economic growth and advance the UAE's aim for a sustainable future while also opening up fresh opportunities for sustainable investment in the region. Overall, the UAE's efforts to build a sustainable future have reached a crucial turning point with the relationship between Mensha Ventures and its Chinese strategic partners.

In addition to the foregoing, the Asian Development & Investment Bank (ADIB) Mr. Sun and Mensha Ventures Chairwoman Dr. Tan have signed an MoU to introduce their new Green Tech Fund. The fund will primarily target the GCC and seek to develop portfolio companies with best-in-class market knowledge and worldwide competence in green technology. The priority sectors will introduce cutting-edge sustainable solutions into the local ecosystem by using Chinese leading innovation and specialist manufacturing.

The focus industries for the Green Tech Fund will be new energy, including EV engineering, infrastructure, storage, and mobility. Through the use of electrical and environmentally friendly hydrogen energy, it will underline the shift to clean energy.

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