Indonesia's Prabowo Intends to Implement B50 in 2025

Indonesian’s incoming leader Prabowo Subianto hopes to implement mandatory 50% palm oil-based biodiesel blending (B50) by 2025, which he said would cut fuel imports by US$20 billion (RM86.95 billion) per year. Last week Indonesia said that it plans to rise the blending to 40% in January 2025, from the present 35% concentration, in an effort to decrease fuel imports and lower emissions from fossil fuels.
Prabowo takes over in October from incumbent Joko Widodo, whose administration has ordered the palm oil industry to prepare for B50. Tests have already started on the higher blending preparation. "We are at B35 now, and we will accelerate to B40, B50", Prabowo said. The biodiesel industry may need to improve quality of its products to ensure the fuel will remain stable for higher mandatory blending, said Tatang Hernas Soerawidjaja, a biofuel expert at the Bandung Institute of Technology.
Biodiesel is susceptible to forming sediment when in contact with oxygen, especially during transportation and storage, which could clog engine filters, he said.
"Some biodiesel producers may need to install new equipment to meet the new standard, and this would take six months. After that, [there are] the commercialisation tests which not only test the fuel on vehicles but also storage tests, which need six months", Tatang said."It would be wise to implement it by the end of 2025 at the earliest", he added. B50 will consume an estimated 18 million metric tons of crude palm oil, up from the estimated 11 million used for B35 this year, Indonesia's biggest palm oil producer association Gapki said previously.
According to data, Indonesia's palm oil consumption has grown 7.6% annually on average since 2019, whereas output over the same period has risen less than 1% a year in Indonesia. The growth of biodiesel mandate would result in lower export volumes. Indonesia's palm biodiesel mandate applies to land transportation, trains, industrial machinery and diesel power plants, meanwhile the country is also increasing palm-based jet fuel and has conducted flight tests.