
Bahri Sets Guinness Record for Largest Mobile Desalination Plant


Bahri Desalination, a dedicated division of the National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia (Bahri), a prominent figure in global shipping and logistics, has achieved a significant feat in seawater desalination output. This accomplishment solidifies its status as a trailblazer in the industry, having constructed the largest floating desalination plant ever on a marine barge.

The accomplishment was honored during a ceremony hosted at the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, where Guinness World Records formally acknowledged Bahri Desalination's groundbreaking mobile seawater desalination facility as the largest globally. With a remarkable length of 123 meters, this immense floating plant yields an impressive daily production of 50,000 cubic meters. Through collaboration with the Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) and Metito Saudi Limited, Bahri has constructed three cutting-edge desalination units, each uniquely tailored and mounted on specialized barges.

Commenting on this achievement, Eng. Ahmed Alsubaey, CEO of Bahri, said, "We are honored to receive this distinction from Guinness World Records that validates our status as pioneers in engineering large-capacity, mobile seawater desalination solutions. As a leader in transportation and logistics, Bahri strives to develop innovative water projects that strengthen Saudi Arabia's infrastructure and self-sufficiency. This record reflects our cutting-edge work in deploying sizeable mobile floating desalination capacity where it is needed most along our coastlines".

The recognition solidifies Bahri Desalination's position as a trailblazer in constructing expansive and economical mobile seawater desalination facilities, capable of swift deployment to various coastal areas. Moving ahead, Bahri remains committed to spearheading advancements through innovative initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable growth in Saudi Arabia's maritime and water supply domains.

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