• Audrey Clarissa, Managing Director, PT. Imedco Djaja

    Audrey Clarissa, Managing Director, PT. Imedco Djaja

  • If you are truly passionate about an industry, sometimes being just a business leader focused on taking your company to new heights is not enough to satisfy that passion. Audrey Clarissa, Managing Director of PT. Imedco Djaja, comprehends this fact that if you genuinely want to make a difference in the pharmaceutical industry, you must adopt a 360-degree approach that takes an active involvement in associations, creating awareness among patients and educating the future generation, everything in addition to developing world-class medicines. In 2014, she and her husband founded Imedco Djaja, is an innovative medical company committed to serving Indonesia’s patients.

  • Audrey Clarissa: Making A Difference Through A 360-Degree Approach

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