Ryan Co: Leading Legal Innovations With Vision & Wisdom

Ryan Co: Leading Legal Innovations With Vision & Wisdom

Ryan Co, Head - Legal & Corporate Affairs

Ryan Co

Head - Legal & Corporate Affairs

The role of Head of Legal and Corporate Af­fairs in a business is crucial, encompassing a broad spectrum of responsibilities that are integral to the strategic and operational success of the organization. As the custodian of legal matters at Pacific Synergy Food and Beverage Corp., Ryan Co currently serves as the Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs. Bringing over 15 years of exten­sive experience from both law firms and in-house set­tings, his career trajectory reflects a rich tapestry of achievements and expertise across various domains of law.

Prior to his role at Pacific Synergy, Ryan held piv­otal positions at Kumu as General Counsel and Regu­latory Affairs Director and Shopee Philippines and other SEA Group entities as Country Legal Counsel. His contributions were instrumental in supporting the expansive growth and compliance needs of these tech-driven enterprises.

Ryan's legal career spans significant roles in pres­tigious law firms such as Sycip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan and Kapunan Lotilla Flores Garcia & Cas­tillo, where he handled high-profile litigation, employ­ment cases, and complex transactions for multina­tional clients. His international experience includes a stint in the United States, where he interned at Reeves and Associates, focusing on immigration law.

Educationally, Ryan holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Santa Clara University School of Law, comple­menting his dual degrees in Law (J.D.) and Economics (A.B.) from San Beda University. His academic pur­suits extend to teaching, reflecting his commitment to mentorship and knowledge dissemination.

In his current capacity, Ryan leverages his com­prehensive legal acumen to provide strategic coun­sel on corporate governance, regulatory compliance, intellectual property, and commercial transactions. His multifaceted expertise continues to drive Pacific Synergy's legal strategy, ensuring alignment with business objectives while mitigating legal risks effec­tively. Ryan stands as a testament to the pivotal role of a Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs in fostering organizational resilience and sustainable growth in today's competitive landscape. Let’s hear more from him.

Tell us about your leadership approach. What are the guidelines or methodologies you follow as a leader?

My leadership approach is characterized by decisive­ness, collaboration, and resourcefulness. Being deci­sive, I prioritize making well-informed strategic deci­sions and taking full accountability for their outcomes. Throughout my career, this has been pivotal in execut­ing plans effectively and achieving our commercial ob­jectives.

I value collaboration deeply, finding immense value in engaging with diverse perspectives and ideas. I be­lieve that fostering open communication and mutual re­spect enhances teamwork and organizational cohesion, critical for navigating complex legal landscapes that impact various stakeholders.

Resourcefulness defines my approach to problem-solving. Drawing on extensive experience and expertise, I consistently seek innovative solutions to challenges, believing that every difficulty presents an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Additionally, I adhere to my '3 Bes' philosophy to thrive as an in-house counsel: BE happy and foster hap­piness within your team (leadership with empathy); BE open (embrace a childlike curiosity); and BE a business enabler (possess strong business acumen). I foster hap­piness within the team through empathetic leadership, maintaining openness to continuous learning and new ideas, and serving as a strategic business enabler by in­tegrating legal insights with a strong business acumen.

In essence, my leadership philosophy revolves around proactive decision-making, inclusive collabo­ration, and innovative problem-solving, all geared to­wards achieving sustainable success and fostering a supportive and productive work environment.

What inspired you to venture into the legal domain and what drives you today as an industry leader?

My journey into the legal field is driven by Aristotle's wisdom: 'pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.' This philosophy underscores the importance of passion in achieving excellence, impacting both work quality and personal fulfillment. My career path reflects my deep-seated passion for law, mentoring, and leadership. Pursuing legal studies and subsequently becoming a lawyer and professor were natural choices rooted in this passion. Further fueled by a keen interest in technology and intellectual property, I pursued a Master of Laws de­gree in the United States, specializing in high tech­nology law a field not widely available in the Philip­pines at that time.

I value collaboration deeply, finding immense value in engaging with diverse perspectives & ideas

Over the past five years, I've deliberately sought roles in companies aligned with my interests, ena­bling me to integrate my professional expertise with my personal passions. This alignment not only en­hances my own satisfaction but also enriches my contributions to those around me. As I progress in my career, I prioritize roles that bring me joy and pur­pose, recognizing that personal fulfillment amplifies my ability to positively impact others. I am fortunate that my current role at Pacific Synergy allows me to have work-life balance and at the same time lead the company towards a sustainable legal and compliance roadmap.

What are the major challenges you have encountered initially while establishing yourself as a successful leader in the legal domain? How did you overcome them to emerge as a successful professional?

Establishing myself as a successful leader in the legal do­main posed several initial challenges. Overcoming resistance to change from senior employees and executives, navigating skepticism towards legal involvement in commercial deci­sions, and securing universal buy-in were significant hurdles.

To address these challenges, I adopted a systematic ap­proach. Initially, I prioritized accessibility, actively engag­ing with stakeholders through one-on-one meetings. These interactions were crucial in introducing myself, outlining strategic plans, and emphasizing the pivotal role of legal and compliance in our company's success.

I emphasized the importance of legal insights in enhanc­ing decision-making and mitigating risks, gradually gaining trust and support across the organization. This process was neither swift nor straightforward, but through persistent communication and demonstrating the tangible benefits of legal oversight, I successfully navigated initial resistance and established myself as a respected and influential profession­al in the legal field.

What are your future goals?

I aim to continue leading companies and organizations to achieve 100 percent legal compliance, and so far, working alongside our visionary leader, Charles Stewart Lee, that is what we have currently achieved at Pacific Synergy. A ddi­tionally, I aspire to be a community leader by engaging in law-related programs and projects. If time permits, I would like to return to the teaching profession.

Based on your extensive industry experience, what advice would you offer to emerging leaders?

I would emphasize two key principles: Adapt and Innovate. As leaders, it's crucial to continuously evolve alongside tech­nological advancements and stay informed about emerging global legal trends. This well-rounded approach enables us to provide both commercially-driven insights and legal guidance effectively. Embracing new challenges and meth­odologies in delivering legal services is essential. Innovation entails the courage to introduce novel approaches that can benefit an organization. Additionally, empower non-legal col­leagues and contribute to reshaping legal practices through creative problem-solving and blue-sky thinking.

Ryan Co, Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs, Pacific Synergy Food & Beverage Corp

Ryan Co is the Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs at Pacific Synergy Food and Beverage Corp. With over 15 years of experience, he excels in corporate law, compliance, and strategic leadership, earning recognition in The Legal 500 GC Powerlist Philippines 2023 and leading top-tier legal teams in Southeast Asia.

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