Martin Nugroho: Elevating Interior Design With A Distinctive Fusion Of Artistry & Logic

Martin Nugroho: Elevating Interior Design With A Distinctive Fusion Of Artistry & Logic

Martin Nugroho, Founder & Managing Director

Martin Nugroho

Founder & Managing Director

In a market saturated with design-centric firms, the focus often narrows down to just aesthetics, leaving other critical elements overlooked. The prevalent trend is to showcase visually striking designs without delving into the practical, logical, and personalized solutions that are essential for meeting clients' specific needs. However, Interiologic diverges from the norm by delivering more than just designs; the firm prioritizes providing solutions aligned with the client's needs. This unique approach guarantees clients not only get visually striking spaces but also practical, logically backed, and meticulously planned solutions. Every project undertaken by the firm reflects transparency throughout the design and builds process, ensuring a seamless and client-centric experience.

Leading the charge is Martin Nugroho, the visionary Founder and Managing Director of Interiologic. His journey, transitioning from graphic design to interior realms, marks a unique trajectory. Since establishing Interiologic, Martin has pioneered a distinctive approach, actively engaging fresh graduates to emphasize practical solutions, budget education, and material awareness. Beyond professional achievements, his philanthropic aspirations intertwine with Interiologic's essence, setting it apart and aligning success with impactful societal change.

Give a brief account about your professional journey and what motivates your daily routine?

I began my professional journey as a graphic designer and pursued my hobby of creating comic books. Realizing its limited financial potential, I shifted to interior design, initially in Malaysia and later in Singapore. In 2014, I founded my own interior design and project management business in Jakarta. What distinguishes us from competitors is our unique approach of recruiting and training fresh graduates from scratch. Another key aspect is our focus not only on designs but also on practical solutions, along with educating clients about budgets and materials.

My motivation is rooted in a philanthropic goal shared with two high school friends. Our collective passion for giving back to society, contributing donations, and engaging in charitable activities led us to embark on the journey of starting our own company. The ultimate goal is to establishing a charity organization. We recognize that financial strength is essential for impactful philanthropy, and thus, the inception of our business serves as a practical means to fund our future charitable endeavours.

The inspiration behind our commitment to charity stems from witnessing the pressing issues faced by the less fortunate, particularly in Indonesia. The stark contrast between prosperous countries like Australia and the evident challenges in Indonesia, such as homelessness and children lacking access to education, drives us to make a positive impact. We envision a facility providing free homes to 30 to 40 individuals, encompassing both children and parents facing homelessness. This heartfelt aspiration propels us to work diligently, ensuring that our success translates into meaningful assistance for those in need.

We aspire to leverage business success for charitable initiatives, specifically addressing homelessness & lack of education in indonesia

Share with us your academic experience from Curtin University.

My academic experience at Curtin University was unique, and it holds a special place for me as that's where I met my wife, who was also my classmate. While some may argue that Curtin may not be the top university academically in Australia, I believe it excels in providing a path to success, especially in the business world in Indonesia.

In business, particularly in Indonesia, I've found that success goes beyond academic knowledge; it hinges on networking and socializing. Curtin University fostered an environment that valued social skills and networking, contrasting with the stress-driven academic focus of some other institutions. I didn't necessarily meet the most academically brilliant individuals, but I encountered people with a rich life experience—a valuable asset in building a network for business.

The emphasis on social skills and networking at Curtin has proven essential in my career. As a business owner, I believe the key to success lies in fostering relationships, and Curtin laid the foundation for that. Many of my current business partners, clients, and even retainer clients are individuals I met during my time at Curtin. This has reaffirmed my belief that, in the business world, success often hinges on networking and a well-rounded social life. My experience at Curtin University remains a crucial and valuable chapter in my professional journey.

Define Interiologic as an organization and its position in the market.

Interiologic, born out of the pandemic, redefines the interior design and build landscape as a boutique company. While not the largest, our focus on a personalized, boutique approach sets us apart. While many firms prioritize size, we prioritize connection. Our boutique style enables us to intimately engage with every client, ensuring a personal touch in every project. Unlike expansive corporations handling numerous projects, our deliberate choice to remain boutique allows me, as the founder, to stay personally involved in each endeavor. This commitment to connection enhances our quality control and client appreciation, setting us apart in a market increasingly recognizing the value of uniqueness and logical design.

Envisioning ourselves as an 'interior company with logics,' our design philosophy revolves around more than aesthetics. We infuse each design with reasoning, ensuring that every choice is backed by logic and practicality. This approach in addition to being transparent and giving attention to detail, has garnered us the recognition. We also have been invited to speak at esteemed design and retail summits. We take pride in explaining not just how a design looks, but why it suits the client's needs best, creating a niche in the market for our logical and client-centric approach.

What are the factors you take into account when developing effective corporate growth strategies?

In developing effective corporate growth strategies, we take a distinctive approach, deviating from conventional corporate norms. We operate without fixed working hours or assigned desks, prioritizing flexibility. This allows our employees to choose their office hours and take leaves whenever needed. This unique approach fosters a culture of work-life balance, making our team genuinely happy and invested in their work.

Our concept of breaking corporate rules extends to our physical workspace, where we've created an inviting atmosphere with recreational spaces like ping pong and billiard tables. As we move towards our next construction phase, we plan to introduce a gym, further enhancing the overall well-being of our team. There's a free kitchen and bar in the office, and we also provide a dormitory for out-of-town workers. The relaxed atmosphere, paired with cutting-edge technology and transparent communication about the company's financials, sets us apart, creating a community-driven culture where everyone actively contributes to our collective success.

In terms of team structure, we have broken away from traditional hierarchies. All employees, regardless of their role, enjoy equal bonuses based on company profits. This fosters a collaborative environment where everyone is motivated to contribute. The company's unique approach creates a community rather than just a team. This inclusive culture encourages employees to take on multiple responsibilities, ensuring efficiency and a shared commitment to success.

How do you stay updated on industry trends? What is your future roadmap?

I stay current with industry trends by regularly attending expos in Indonesia. Occasionally, I attend expos in Singapore and China as well. My key staff and I make it a point to visit these expos together, collecting material samples to update our office library. This ensures that we can educate our clients about the latest materials, distinguishing between real and innovative alternatives. Being well-informed allows us to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each material, providing a comprehensive understanding for our clients.

In the next five years, my vision is to achieve a level of organizational maturity where I can step back from my current role. The goal is to create a self-sustaining company capable of running independently. Once this autonomy is established, I plan to transition to a higher-level position within our holding company. This strategic move is geared towards facilitating the funding of our internal projects and expanding our charitable initiatives, including the establishment of charity foundations. By fostering a robust and self-reliant business, I aim to contribute to both the company's growth and our philanthropic endeavours.

What would be your advice to budding industry leaders?

My foremost advice to aspiring industry leaders is to recognize that before you embark on building a successful career or leading a thriving organization; you must first invest in building yourself. Focus on personal development, cultivate discipline, and strive to be a person committed to doing good every day. Regardless of the industry or trends, foundational qualities such as hard work, discipline, and a positive attitude are the key ingredients to enduring success. It's not about chasing fleeting trends but rather about being a dedicated individual who consistently brings their best to the table. Success begins with self-improvement, and when you prioritize these core values, success inevitably follows in any endeavour you choose to pursue.

Martin Nugroho, Founder & Managing Director, Interiologic

Martin Nugroho, Founder And Managing Director Of Interiologic, blends academic expertise from curtin university with real-world experience, reshaping interior design with innovative & logical principles.

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