Kingston Ng: Navigating the World of Financial Investment with Experience & Expertise

Kingston Ng: Navigating the World of Financial Investment with Experience & Expertise

Kingston Ng, CEO

Kingston Ng


When it comes to the success of a business, particularly in the fields of investment management and consultancy, the CEO is responsible for providing strategic leadership, making critical decisions, and ensuring the overall health and growth of the organization. They are tasked with steering the company towards profitable opportunities, managing risks, and creating value for clients. In the context of investment management and consultancy, the CEO must have a profound understanding of financial services, capital markets, and investment strategies.

Kingston Ng, CEO, Richewood Capital is a key figure, setting the company's vision, mission, and goals, aligning them with market trends and client needs. With 25 years of invaluable experience spanning Malaysia, China, and Sri Lanka, Kingston Ng is a seasoned professional in Financial Services, Capital Markets, and Investments. His extensive background includes not only managing investments but also overseeing the operations of a factory in China and establishing another in Malaysia. This diverse experience has not only honed his financial acumen but has also equipped him with the ability to connect with people from various cultural backgrounds.

Kingston Ng's journey reflects the importance of value creation in both professional and personal realms. This philosophy resonates not only in his work but also in his relationships with family and friends. As the CEO of Richewood Capital, Kingston Ng brings a wealth of expertise to the table, steering the company towards success by leveraging his multicultural experiences and commitment to value creation. Let’s hear more from him in this interaction.

How would you characterize Richewood Capital as an organization and its current standing in the market?

Within the realm of investments, Richewood Capital distinguishes itself by adopting a unique approach. Unlike many other investment firms, we meticulously select companies and businesses, actively aiding them in accelerating their growth trajectory. The core management team, hailing from diverse backgrounds, assumes an integral role in actively managing and supporting these entities. Their involvement spans improving revenue streams, refining processes, ensuring HR fitness, introducing or integrating technology, and implementing cost control mechanisms.

Although a relatively youthful company, Richewood Capital exudes dynamism. It partners with a reputable Malaysian trust company to offer a double-oversight, double-protection and double-feature product combining legacy planning and investment to the market. This type of vitality and creativity fuel the product development within the company, which is again not a norm in investment firms.

The corporate ethos revolves around creating a fair, transparent, and sustainable platform. Here, stakeholders leverage on each other's strengths to optimize resources and, in the process, yield profits. The core management team is committed to cultivating a robust ecosystem capable of offering diverse investment management services tailored to various appetites and needs.

Constantly seeking to expand its team, Richewood Capital invites individuals with talent to join this vibrant, passionate, and enjoyable work environment.

What advice would you give young professionals and companies in the financial investment industry?

Many young people focus too much on the outcome so much so they forget about the journey. They want to move up the corporate ladder in the fastest possible way. I would say, 'Slow down.' Do not keep hopping from one place to another but instead learn as much as possible from your current outfit. There is always more than just the surface. Learn the trade well wherever you are. What one is able to pick up from the journey is more valuable and irreplaceable as compared to meer salary increase. For companies, there's a Chinese saying, 'if you don't put in effort, you won't get money.' It means, no sweat, no wealth, similar to the saying 'no pain, no gain.' Companies need to go beyond evaluation and due diligence in investments. Resources need to be deployed to ensure the expected outcome and to protect investors' interests. The deeper our involvement, the greater our achievement.

Describe your leadership approach and the principles or methods you adhere to as a leader. What is the motivation that fuels your daily routines?

In my role as a leader, my primary duty is to unearth and cultivate the inherent potential within each individual. I aim to support everyone in realizing their utmost capabilities, employing various means such as words of encouragement, training initiatives, and occasionally through challenging experiences. As the adage goes, ‘trials and tribulations build character’.

Continuous learning is an integral aspect of effective leadership. Personally, I am a passionate scholar of history, dedicating 30 to 120 minutes daily to this pursuit.

I also perceive myself as a mentor, offering guidance to those under my supervision. While imparting mentorship, I recognize the reciprocal nature of the relationship. Each interaction is a two-way street, where, as a mentor, I derive insights and benefits from those I mentor.

About my motivation, having the end game in clear vision is very important for me. Being able to zero in on the target fuels my spirit to strive and accomplish the project, target or a particular role every morning.

How do you stay informed about current industry trends to guide your organization into the future?

In addition to my routine daily reading, I actively participate in multiple chat groups comprising professionals and business owners spanning various industries and countries. These forums serve as dynamic spaces for sharing the latest news and updates. Furthermore, they provide valuable platforms for exchanging best practices and discussing the challenges we encounter in our respective fields.

What is the ultimate destination you are striving for?

Our goal is to position Richewood Capital's investment ecosystem as a catalyst for influencing local and regional trends, all while delivering timely and expected returns to our investors. We are committed to ensuring the independence of both our investment and compliance committees. To achieve this, we aim to allocate the necessary resources, including expanding the presence of independent market players within these committees. This approach not only instills confidence in investors but also establishes the essential checks and balances in our operations. Additionally, our continuous focus is on expanding and fortifying the investment and project team, enabling them to effectively oversee the investee companies of Richewood Capital and realize the envisioned outcomes.

Kingston Ng, CEO, Richewood Capital

Kingston Ng, the CEO of Richewood Capital, has consistently held a strong belief in the concept of value creation. Taking his first opportunity to step out of his comfort zone, he embarked on a venture into China at the age of 28. Despite lacking any prior contacts or experience in the new market, Kingston navigated his path with unwavering determination, ceaseless self-motivation, and a heart brimming with passion.

• Hobbies: Squash, Gym, Diving, & Reading

• Favorite Cuisine: Chinese & Japanese

• Favorite Book: Things about the Ming dynasty

• Favorite Travel Destination: Japan & China

• Awards & Recognition: 'Most Active Trustee' in 2012 at RAM League Awards, Malaysia’s Most Prestigious event for the Debt Capital Market

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