Junichiro Wachi: Engineering The Future Of Technology In Business Realm

Junichiro Wachi: Engineering The Future Of Technology In Business Realm

Junichiro Wachi, CTO, Filmination

Junichiro Wachi

CTO, Filmination

The role of a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in driving a company's technological growth and innovation is crucial, and this is well represented by Junichiro Wachi's illustrious career. Starting with BIOS and device driver development for VAIO laptops after university, Wachi's trajectory shifted dramatically in 2009 when he ventured into pioneering iPad development in Japan's nascent market. His career has since spanned impactful iOS and server-side projects, alongside innovations in physical SaaS ventures like event ticketing and automotive analytics via OBD2 ports. Wachi's consultancy extends to transformative backend DX solutions for medical startups and logistics, including advancements in truck delivery systems.

Today, Junichiro Wachi focuses on integrating AI to elevate Filmination's capabilities while pursuing impactful side projects. His journey highlights a commitment towards pushing technological boundaries and fostering innovation in complex ecosystems, reflecting his role as a visionary leader in advancing technological frontiers.

CEO Insights Asia engaged in a one on one interaction with Junichiro Wachi, let’s hear from him.

As the CTO, how do you guarantee data security & privacy against external threats?

I prioritize using established technology over cutting-edge trends to maintain a balanced tech stack that supports both development efficiency and robust security measures. Regular updates on cybersecurity threats, incidents, and patches are fundamental to safeguarding our systems at Filmination. Our commitment to security includes encrypting all files and databases, ensuring data remains protected in the event of any breach. Furthermore, access permissions are strictly controlled, with each team member granted specific role-based access levels.

These measures collectively reinforce our dedication to maintaining a secure and efficient operational environment.

We are committed to ongoing exploration of emerging technologies, constantly striving to innovate & improve our products to better serve our customers & meet their evolving needs

What are your thoughts on the dynamic technology trends in the sector, & how would you describe their impact on your organization?

I believe AI is here to stay and will fundamentally change how we process information. However, it's crucial to remember that regardless of the technology, we must at least grasp the basic logic behind how it works and why it works. When it comes to AI, we also need to be mindful of the legal and security implications, as some services may use our data to advance their systems. Despite these concerns, AI offers tremendous potential, enabling us to create tools and services that empower users and allow them to focus more on their core professions. We are committed to ongoing exploration of emerging technologies, constantly striving to innovate and improve our products to better serve our customers and meet their evolving needs.

Tell us about your leadership approach. What principles or methodologies do you adhere to as a leader?

I’ve always led small but dedicated teams, allowing individual programmers the freedom to handle details as long as requirements are met. This approach encourages them to think independently and make suggestions, fostering deeper engagement with the technology. I believe that both the product and the team can grow together, with the product benefiting as the programmers learn more.

However, I do expect a clear rationale for implementation decisions. Given the wealth of information available online, I advise junior developers to think critically and avoid jumping to conclusions. This approach helps prevent poor-quality code from entering the product. Also, maintaining a compact code base is crucial. Smaller systems are easier to manage, so we prioritize keeping our code base small and clean.

What future goals are you aiming to achieve?

Personally, I possess a strong fascination with diverse technical fields, viewing technology as a powerful tool for human empowerment. Beyond my focus in IT, I am deeply intrigued by disciplines such as agriculture, 3D printing, and hardware development. I am convinced that gaining comprehensive knowledge in these areas enhances their interconnected value and potential impact. Just as I pivoted towards projects emphasizing tangible outcomes a decade ago, I anticipate embarking on another significant career evolution in the years ahead. This transition underscores my ongoing commitment to exploring new frontiers where technology can catalyze substantial advancements and effectively tackle emerging challenges across various sectors.

Given your extensive experience in the industry, what advice would you offer to future industry leaders?

Cultivating a unique skill set that combines expertise in technology with insights from specific business domains or diverse technological stacks can provide a competitive edge in the industry.

In the film and media industry, there exists a bal­ance between traditional practices and technological advancements. While many established methods have stood the test of time, integrating modern technology can often enhance efficiency and creativity. It's impor­tant to respect and understand these traditional prac­tices while also exploring ways to leverage technol­ogy for improvement. Starting with a minimum viable product allows for iterative improvements based on real-world feedback, emphasizing that initial concepts often undergo significant refinement as they evolve into sustainable services.

Junichiro Wachi, CTO, Filmination

Junichiro Wachi, CTO at Filmination, is driven by a deep interest in diverse technical fields, viewing technology as a tool for human empowerment. Beyond IT, his passions extend to agriculture, 3D printing, and hardware development, believing in their interconnected value. With a career marked by pivots towards impactful projects, he continues to explore new frontiers to drive advancements across industries.

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