Febri Ciuputra: Balancing Financial Expertise & Strategic Acumen For Business Breakthroughs

Febri Ciuputra: Balancing Financial Expertise & Strategic Acumen For Business Breakthroughs

Febri Ciuputra, Finance Director

Febri Ciuputra

Finance Director

Leadership is often forged by experience, honed by challenges, and illuminated by courage to explore. Such is the story of Febri Ciuputra, Finance Director of Dyno Nobel, who has accumulated nearly 25 years of expertise not only in finance but also in various aspects of business across different industries. He started his career as an accountant in a Big Four accounting firm and worked his way up through various corporate positions in a German and a UK company before Dyno Nobel, an Australian company. It has been one-of-a-kind journey in different industries such as manufacturing, automation, oil and gas, and now, the mining sector. While it has been 11 years of exciting journey with Dyno Nobel, in his current position, he oversees multiple corporate functions for the Indonesian business of Dyno Nobel. He has played an instrumental role in positioning Dyno Nobel Indonesia as one of the top players in the explosives segment in the country and globally. Despite so many achievements and learning, he still considers himself a learner and aims to complete ACCA by next year. CEO Insights Asia is excited to interview him and delve into his wise inputs.

What kind of impacts have you been able to create in your role at Dyno Nobel?

Since joining Dyno Nobel, I have had the privilege of making a significant impact in improving the cash flow, which is a major challenge for foreign companies in highly regulated explosives industry in Indonesia. However, my biggest achievement has been in building better relationships with our local partners. By working collaboratively with them and reconciling accounts, monitoring transactions, and having continuous discussions, I was able to improve our cash flow management and ensure that we delivered results.

In addition to this, I have also been a trusted business partner; supporting the organization in commercial matters and ensuring that we remain profitable. The primary goal of my role has been to ensure that the business can deliver results, and I'm proud to say that we have achieved growth every year meeting the group's requirements for the business unit in Indonesia. Over the past 10 years, I believe that I have been able to make a substantial contribution to the organization, and my efforts have been recognized by the company's stakeholders.

According to Febri, true leadership requires the ability to demonstrate, not just dictate

How do you keep yourself up to date with the ongoing industry trends? How does it help with Dyno Nobel’s market positioning.

To stay ahead of the curve, we keep up with industry trends and indicators. This helps us to stay competitive in the market and ensure that our pricing is competitive. We also keep track of the rise and fall of prices in the market and adjust accordingly. Since some of our products are commodity-related, we need to be in pace with the industry and development.

As the CFO, I make sure that our company complies with regulations and taxation laws. This helps us stay on top of our finances and accounting. Maintaining c ompliance i s a n o ngoing c hallenge, but it's essential to ensure that we are operating safely, ethically and responsibly.

When it comes to the position of Dyno Nobel as a company, we are proudly the leading explosive provider in the world, holding the number two position globally. In some markets, we are number one. With local competitors in Indonesia, we are performing well and delivering on return on invested capital expectations.

Describe your leadership approach and share some guidelines or methodologies in your leadership style.

I am a firm believer in a participative type of leadership, which is why I encourage my team to give feedback and share their thoughts on important matters. I believe that it's crucial to accept all feedback and take it into consideration when making the final decision, as it helps us to understand different perspectives and fosters a sense of collaboration.

At our company, we believe in involving everyone in the decision-making process, from the lowest level to the top level. This ensures that everyone's voice is heard and that we make decisions that take everyone's feedback into consideration. We have created a culture of openness and transparency, which means that anyone can share their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgement or retribution.

As leaders, we must lead by example and do whatever we instruct our team to do. This means that we must not only give instructions but also show our team how to do it. Listening and collaboration can create a more positive work environment.

What are your plans for growth at personal and professional level?

I would like to explore new opportunities in the global m arket. B eing p art o f a m ultinational company provides me with a unique exposure to international markets, which I find fascinating. By going beyond our comfort zone, we can unlock our true potential and experience exponential growth. Therefore, I am looking forward to grabbing such opportunities for my future growth and development.

In terms of my professional aspirations, I am keen to gain more experience in my field of work. I want to explore the latest trends and technologies, and apply them to my work to deliver better results. With the right opportunities and exposure, I can expand my knowledge and skills to reach my full potential. Moreover, I am also interested in contributing to the growth and success of the organization I work for. I want to take up challenging roles that allow me to use my expertise and skills to benefit the company and its customers.

What advice would you like to share with aspiring financial leaders in the mining industry?

First and foremost, in highly regulated industries like mining, it is important to stay up-to-date on the various regulations that govern the industry, particularly when it comes to working with explosives. This means that leaders in this field must be diligent about staying informed and following all relevant guidelines in order to ensure the safety of their teams and operations.

In addition to regulatory compliance, financial leaders in any industry must also take a broader view of their role within the company. As a CFO or other C-level executive, it is important to think beyond just the financials and consider how the finance team can support the business more broadly. This means working to remove any obstacles that may be hindering progress and finding ways to make the business easier to move forward. At the same time, it is crucial to ensure that the business is always operating within the guidelines set forth by regulators and other governing bodies. This requires a deep understanding of the relevant regulations and following them closely in all aspects of the business.

Ultimately, the role of financial leaders in the mining industry is to serve as a partner to the business, supporting its growth and success while also ensuring that it operates in a safe and responsible manner. By staying informed, taking a broad view of their role, and following all relevant regulations, compliance, and guidelines, financial leaders can help their companies thrive in this challenging and complex industry.

Febri Ciuputra, Finance Director, Dyno Nobel

Febri has over 25 years of experience in finance, working across various global industries including manufacturing, automation, oil and gas, and currently mining. His experience has allowed him to develop a strategic perspective on financial management, focusing on both profitability and regulatory compliance.

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