Dao Thi Kim Loan: A Visionary Ceo, Propelling Innovation, Fostering Inspiration, & Leaving A Lasting Influence!

Dao Thi Kim Loan
Gone are the days when Men use to lead and women followed them. Today, women across countries have taken active steps to change the stereotypical notions, proving themselves beyond doubt in all spheres of life, and breaking through the glass ceiling to pave the way for others to follow. Thi Kim Loan, CEO, RV-OPV Pharmaceuticals is one such woman who has attained success in her own terms and is driving the entire organization toward the growth path with her entire extraordinary contribution.
Loan is an accomplished Business Leader with a demonstrated history of spearheading various business verticals in her illustrious career of more than two decades. In her previous roles, she has been instrumental in leading multiple crossfunctional teams and working with global brands like Coke, Dumex & Boehringer. She is adept at finding answers to difficult questions in an everchanging environment – an ability rooted in her strong problem-solving skills.
As the CEO of RV-OPV Pharmaceuticals, Dao is leveraging her exceptional people management skills to handle complex business issues and drive long-term profitability and sustainability. She is an inspirational leader who has worked towards success with humble beginnings beyond all obstacles, to becoming successful with dedication and effort. Let’s hear it from her.
Tell us about RV-OPV Pharmaceuticals as an organization and its flagship offerings.
RV-OPV Pharmaceuticals, began its journey in 1950 as a small drug store in Hue. It is today one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Vietnam. With premium quality products, professional expertise and a top-of-the-line pharmaceutical manufacturing plant RV-OPV has been successful in building a strong reputation in the domestic medical community of Vietnam. It is now looking to expand in i nternational m arkets. A fter t he s uccessful acquisition i n 2 021 w ith R V G roup c ontributing majorly to the Group’s success by enhancing many OTC products named Ameflu for cough and cold remedy; Tydol Plus the medication line which gives fast relief from pain and also is a Diamond sponsor for Ms World Vietnam 2023; the other keys brands like Star Sore throat a cough lozenge which is a direct competitor of Stepsils and the effervescence tablet for Gut health - Dizzo. It is also the partner of many multinational companies for manufacturing quality pharmaceuticals in Vietnam with the largest portfolio of registered products for immediate marketing and manufacturing and a strong distribution network.
We take forward an ambitious growth plan of making RV-OPV one of the top five manufacturing companies in Vietnam with a 200-million-dollar turnover per year
As the CEO of the company, what kind of leadership approach do you indulge in?
As an organization, we believe in a democratic and transformational style of leadership. With a democratic leadership style, everyone is given equal opportunities to participate, ideas are exchanged freely, and discussion is encouraged. With a transformational leadership style, we conduct training programs and inspire employees (even fresh graduates) to innovate and develop new ways to grow and improve the path to a company's future success as well as grab new and higher positions within the company for personal growth. We believe in cultural adaptability within the organization and have a combination of a lot of Indian experts working together with the Vietnamese team. As a personal interest, I put sincere efforts to teach Vietnamese to these people so that they are able to get along well with the team.
What is the future destination you are heading towards?
RV-OPV holds a reputation for providing products of the highest international standards for many decades. When we combine the value of our traditional image with innovation in the upgradation of standards and maintenance of the company’s culture, we take forward an ambitious growth plan of making RV-OPV one of the top five manufacturing companies in Vietnam with a 200-million-dollar turnover per year. We want the brand to not only be among the top five in Vietnam but also across the Asian and South African markets.
What would be your advice for budding leaders in the industry?
The youth of today are in a better, faster and more advanced environment with the support of technology and information. There ambitions to be the driving force and to achieve those dreams are with better clarity and supported by logical rational. For this reason, it is important to cultivate those dream and to continue to believe in achieving them.
And t hese q ualities a re d esired i n a s uccessful leader, along with these you must develop the quality of adaptability. Adaptability skills will allow you to adjust to changes in your environment. Being adaptable as a leader will help you to respond quickly to changing ideas, responsibilities, expectations, trends, strategies, and other processes that lead to a successful future.
Dao Thi Kim Loan, CEO, RV-OPV Pharmaceuticals
Having over 20 years of extensive experience in various business verticals, Loan, currently, as the CEO of RV-OPV Pharmaceuticals is making major business decisions, managing overall operations, and setting the company's strategic direction for the company’s long-term growth.
• Hobbies: Teaching Vietnamese to foreigners joining the team
• Favorite Cuisine: Vietnamese cuisine
• Favorite Book: Onward: 'How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing its Soul' by Howard Schultz
• Favorite Travel Destination: Sikkim in India