Daisuke Fujie: Founding Visionary Empowering Businesses With Global Legal Expertise & Growth Strategies

Daisuke Fujie: Founding Visionary Empowering Businesses With Global Legal Expertise & Growth Strategies

Daisuke Fujie, Founder

Daisuke Fujie


In today's legal environment, it is crucial for leaders to understand the significance of offering comprehensive legal services that span national borders. With globalization on the rise, businesses and legal issues frequently cross jurisdictions, necessitating a sophisticated grasp of various legal systems. Leaders like Daisuke Fujie, who excel in international law, are adept at navigating complex regulations, cultivating global partnerships, and delivering seamless support to clients globally. His expertise ensures that legal services stay relevant, responsive, and robust in our interconnected world.

Daisuke Fujie, the Founder of GVA Glogal LPC, has transformed the legal landscape with his visionary leadership and commitment to international legal excellence. Establishing the firm with a clear focus on transcending borders, Daisuke leveraged his extensive background from Kyoto University's Bachelor's degree in Law and his early experiences in Tokyo and Thailand. Under his guidance, GVA Glogal LPC has expanded its reach, providing innovative legal solutions across diverse jurisdictions. Daisuke’s strategic foresight and ability to build and lead teams in different cultural contexts have been pivotal in positioning GVA Glogal LPC as a trailblazer in the global legal arena. Below is an excerpt of Daisuke Fujie’s exclusive interaction with CEO Insights ASIA magazine.

Give a brief account of your professional background & experience.

After graduating from Kyoto University and completing law school, I passed the bar exam and began my career at the Tokyo office of GVA Professional Group, focusing on supporting startup companies. My journey then took me to Thailand, where I founded the Bangkok office as the second operational base of GVA Professional Group. Recognizing the growing need for international legal services, I returned to Japan to establish the Osaka office, which provides legal support for businesses across Asia. This experience has honed my skills in providing professional legal services across borders, reflecting my commitment to excellence and dedication to supporting global legal matters.

Could you tell us about the unique experiences Kyoto University Japan offers & what you learned from the campus beyond academics?

Studying at both the Faculty of Law and the Law School of Kyoto University was a transformative experience that extended beyond academics. The campus fostered a collaborative environment, emphasizing deep academic discussions and theoretical exploration. This rigorous academic atmosphere honed my analytical skills and broadened my understanding of law. One of the most profound lessons I learned was recognizing the exceptional talents of my peers, which taught me the importance of identifying and leveraging my own strengths. This understanding has shaped my leadership approach as the founder of a law firm, where I empower my team of skilled lawyers by promoting autonomy, trust, and responsibility, fostering an environment where each member can excel.

Tell us about your leadership approach. What are the guidelines or methodologies you follow as a leader?

As a leader, I prioritize granting my team autonomy and fostering a proactive spirit. I believe the most valuable assets of a law firm are its attorneys, so I focus on giving individual specialists the discretion to handle their cases. Instead of imposing complex rules, I establish simple guidelines and encourage independence, enabling each team member to leverage their unique skills and grow professionally.

I believe the most valuable assets of a law firm are its attorneys, so I focus on giving individual specialists the discretion to handle their cases

GVA Professional Group is a group that is constantly changing itself by emphasizing on frontier spirit. In an era where things are changing and evolving at a rapid pace, we embrace the change in society and focus on adapting ourselves as a law firm that puts an emphasis on our Core Value, 'Uncompromising pursuit of the best interests of clients through ever-improving legal services'. Over the years of our progress, we have found out that an innovative idea does not simply come out of thin air, but rather, one must go through countless trials and errors to be better.

What major challenges did you face initially in establishing yourself as a leader in the legal domain, & how did you overcome them?

Establishing myself as a leader in the legal domain came with several challenges. As a Japanese lawyer founding our Bangkok office, I had to navigate significant cultural and legal differences. Close collaboration with local Thai lawyers, who had distinct educational backgrounds, was essential. Overcoming these challenges involved fostering strong communication, mutual respect, and cultural understanding. By valuing diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive environment, I united our team and turned initial challenges into opportunities for growth and collaboration, achieving professional success.

What is the future destination you are headed towards?

Our future goal is to expand our services to more regions while gathering experts of diverse nationalities at each of our bases to create a truly international law firm. Achieving this vision requires collaboration with more specialists. If you share our passion for excellence and diversity, we invite you to connect with us and join our journey.

Daisuke Fujie, Founder, GVA Glogal LPC

Daisuke Fujie, Founder of GVA Glogal LPC, is a trailblazer in international law. With a law degree from Kyoto University and experience in Tokyo and Thailand, he established GVA Glogal LPC to provide innovative, cross-border legal solutions. His leadership has positioned the firm as a global legal powerhouse

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