Chingiz Novruzzade: A Visionary Strategist Redefining Success In The Consulting Sphere

Chingiz Novruzzade: A Visionary Strategist Redefining Success In The Consulting Sphere

Chingiz Novruzzade, Founder & MP

Chingiz Novruzzade

Founder & MP

The convergence of education and consulting principles is pivotal in reshaping the consultancy landscape. This strategic fusion combines the depth of educational methodologies with the practicality of consulting, creating a powerful synergy. The approach not only enhances consultants' skills but also fosters a dynamic environment for innovative problem-solving. Chingiz Novruzzade founded TWC Management Consulting with a vision to redefine the conventional consulting model through a transformative blend, ensuring adaptability, client-centricity, and ongoing learning. This approach reshapes the traditional consulting paradigm, emphasizing holistic solutions and a commitment to excellence. Chingiz Novruzzade, a visionary entrepreneur and a driving force in the field of management consulting, stands as the Founder and Managing Partner of TWC Management Consulting. With a profound passion for strategic leadership and a commitment to excellence, Chingiz has forged an impressive trajectory in the industry, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of consultancy. Below is an excerpt of Chingiz Novruzzade’s exclusive interaction with CEO Insights ASIA magazine.

Tell us about the driving factors behind the inception of Think Wise Consulting. What was the gap in the market you foresaw? How has been the journey so far?

When TWC embarked on its journey into management consulting, we faced a landscape where the market was notably underserved. Azerbaijan lacked local management consulting firms, relying instead on individual consultants to provide fragmented services to businesses. Recognizing this gap, we saw an opportunity to make a meaningful impact by establishing a consultancy that could offer comprehensive solutions tailored to the local market.

Our driving force wasn't just about filling a void; it was about redefining the consulting paradigm. We believed in assembling a team of sharp minds, individuals who could not only analyze complex problems but also roll up their sleeves and execute solutions effectively. Implementation became our forte, setting us apart from the global consulting giants in Azerbaijan.

Since our inception, the journey has been marked by challenges and triumphs alike. We've navigated through uncharted territory, overcoming obstacles with resilience and innovation. But through it all, our commitment to delivering tangible results for our clients has remained unwavering. Think Wise Consulting isn't just about providing advice; it's about making a lasting impact on businesses and communities, one strategic implementation at a time.

How do you define your leadership role in the company? What are the new skills, traits, and knowledge that are crucial for a leader in this industry today?

In steering the ship at TWC, my leadership style reflects the demands of our era. Gone are the days of charisma-centric leadership; now, it's about fostering a clear vision and assembling a team aligned with that vision. The consulting realm is inherently people-centric, requiring adept communication and active listening. Adaptability and flexibility define my leadership, recognizing the dynamic nature of our industry. Strategies are no longer set in stone, demanding an agile approach. Leading sharp minds in consulting entails tailoring communication to situations and individuals. It's about cultivating an environment where the team thrives with a shared vision and a knack for adapting on the fly.

TWC stands for Empowering organizations through Value, Care & Intelligence

What are the radical factors you consider while building a successful team? What are the traits that you look for in a potential member of your team?

In the intricate tapestry of building a successful team at TWC, the radical factor is the meticulous selection of individuals who embody our core values. Fundamental to team dynamics are three pillars: fostering a sense of belonging, cultivating trust, and instilling accountability. In the nascent stages, a democratic approach allowed for experimentation, and decentralizing decision-making. As we matured, an autocratic touch became necessary, having learned from mistakes and charted a clearer path. Now, seeking new team members, we prioritize three key traits: value orientation, caring demeanour for client relationships, and unwavering intelligence. Our winning combo seeks problem solvers who bring tangible solutions, fostering a dynamic, collaborative, and forward-thinking team culture.

How do you leverage technology? What are the organizational aspects that technology covers?

In navigating the tech landscape at TWC, we're not just adopting cool gadgets; technology is seamlessly woven into our operations, enhancing efficiency and delivering top-notch client solutions. We leverage an array of management tools to foster seamless collaboration within our team. Amid the technological advancements of our era, artificial intelligence, including tools like ChatGPT, plays a pivotal role. While not a strategy tool, it aids us in formulating hypotheses, offering a valuable starting point for our journey. From streamlining workflows to harnessing the power of AI, our organizational approach to technology ensures that we stay at the forefront, delivering innovative and effective solutions in the dynamic consulting realm.

What are your future plans for Think Wise Consulting?

The future of Think Wise Consulting is painted with strategic aspirations. Positioned as the sole local management consulting firm in Azerbaijan, we hold a significant market share, surpassing even the Big Four. Our vision extends to 2026, where TWC Capital emerges as a game-changer, delving into private equity practices. With a keen focus on the service and retail industry, we recognize untapped potential in local businesses. Amidst poor management skills, we plan to identify, acquire, restructure, and revitalize these ventures, presenting a lucrative opportunity for growth. TWC's trajectory involves not just consultancy but shaping and revitalizing businesses, ensuring a dynamic and impactful future.

Chingiz Novruzzade, Founder & MP, TWC Management Consulting

Chingiz Novruzzade, Founder and Managing Partner of TWC Management Consulting, is a visionary leader reshaping the consultancy landscape. With a strategic fusion of education and consulting principles, he navigates TWC toward excellence. Chingiz's dynamic approach and commitment to innovation make him a driving force in the realm of management consulting.

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