Chachi Relova Cordero: Engineering Leadership & Innovation For Yondu's Success Saga

Chachi Relova Cordero: Engineering Leadership & Innovation For Yondu's Success Saga

Chachi Relova Cordero, COO, Yondu

Chachi Relova Cordero

COO, Yondu

In the pulsating arena of modern business, female leaders are breaking barriers and forging ahead across diverse sectors, leaving an indelible mark on the path to success. At the core of every flourishing enterprise stands a pivotal figure, the Chief Operating Officer (COO), whose strategic acumen propels the organization toward unparalleled accomplishments. Chachi Relova Cordero, the esteemed COO of Yondu, is a pioneering force in IT innovation. With a distinctive blend of determination, foresight, and ethical leadership, Chachi epitomizes excellence in her role. In this discourse, we navigate through Chachi's journey, exploring her perspectives on effective leadership and the indispensable attributes that drive enduring success in organizations. Let’s read on.

How do you find your previous professional experiences beneficial to your current role as COO?

My background in Finance has been invaluable in making data-driven decisions. I consistently analyze financials, business cases, historical trends, leading indicators, and past successes and failures while assessing risks before making any decisions. Moreover, I’ve realized that the core of effective leadership is developing people. Leaders often seek ready-now successors, but I’ve learned to focus on the potential within team members. By acting as mentors, we can nurture them into the leaders and successors we envision. After all, we weren’t the leaders we are today a few years back. This approach not only strengthens the team but also ensures a more sustainable and dynamic leadership pipeline. Emphasizing mentorship and development has proven to be a key strategy in fostering both individual and organizational growth, and it aligns well with my data-driven decision-making process, creating a balanced and forward-thinking leadership style.

Based on your experience, how do you guide employees to achieve the company’s goals, and how do you assess their progress?

I take great satisfaction in seeing Yondu employees grow in their careers and become leaders in their respective fields. There’s a profound sense of fulfillment in watching colleagues advance through the ranks. To facilitate this growth, we ensure everyone has clear objectives by establishing measurable KPIs and metrics. This structured approach not only fosters accountability but also helps identify and promote deserving employees. Additionally, it allows us to celebrate their achievements, reinforcing a culture of recognition and continuous improvement. By setting clear goals and tracking progress, we support our employees' development and contribute to the company’s overall success.

In any field, dedication is paramount, ensuring our best effort is consistently given. This commitment underpins success

The responsibilities of a COO in achieving a business vision often lead to significant stress. How do you maintain a healthy balance? Please share your expertise in resolving complex issues.

To effectively manage the responsibilities of a COO and ensure the success of a business vision, the first step is to fully embrace the vision myself. This allows me to translate it into actionable operational plans. Work becomes more manageable and enjoyable when you have the right team collaborating towards these goals.

Despite a demanding schedule, I prioritize regular exercise, whether it’s going to the gym, running outdoors, or practicing yoga. This routine provides me with the physical energy necessary to work efficiently and approach stressful situations with a clear and focused mind. Balancing strategic planning with personal well-being is essential for sustained productivity and effective problem-solving.

What are your expectations for the market in the future and what is the future roadmap you have envisioned for your journey?

Looking ahead, I anticipate that cybersecurity will remain a top priority for organizations due to the increasing prevalence of cyber threats and the need to protect sensitive data and critical assets. In response, one of Yondu's key initiatives this year is to become a market evangelist, raising cybersecurity awareness across the country. Additionally, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a crucial role for businesses by enabling data-driven decision-making and automating various processes. The integration of AI will help organizations enhance efficiency and stay competitive in an increasingly data-centric world. Both cybersecurity and AI will shape the future landscape of business operations.

Apart from aiming to become the largest local IT provider in the country, my vision for Yondu is to emerge as a prominent regional IT player, harnessing the talents of Filipino professionals and making significant contributions to our economy.

Given your extensive professional background, what guidance would you offer to emerging industry leaders?

In any field, dedication is paramount, ensuring our best effort is consistently given. This commitment underpins success. During challenges, I draw strength from Saint Josemaria Escriva's Novena for Work, aiding perseverance and focus on quality outcomes. I lead by example, emphasizing ethics and integrity. Recognizing our actions' impact, ethical leadership fosters trust and collaboration, vital for organizational growth. Prioritizing dedication, resilience, and ethical conduct is key for emerging leaders, forming the foundation for effective leadership and sustained success. Such values not only enhance professional reputation but also contribute to organizational longevity and prosperity.

Can you guide us through some significant milestones that hold special meaning in your journey?

After being transferred from the parent company, Yondu (formerly Entertainment Gateway Group) faced financial struggles, transitioning into a software development company with revenue primarily supporting the parent company. Within a year, profitability soared, with consistent year-on-year growth. Today, the majority of revenue stems from top 1000 corporations. From fewer than 100 employees, Yondu has expanded to over 1000+, becoming a leading local IT provider. Renowned in the industry, we boast projects developed for multinational brands, banks, and conglomerates. With a focus on continuous growth, Yondu remains dedicated to further expansion in the years ahead.

Chachi Relova Cordero, COO at Yondu

Chachi Relova Cordero, COO at Yondu, brings dynamic leadership to drive operational excellence. With a background in finance, she balances strategic vision with hands-on guidance, fostering growth and innovation. Committed to ethical leadership, she champions talent development and organizational success in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

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