| | JUNE 20244Serving as the ambassador for an organization, a Country Manager represents a firm's interests and values to stakeholders, customers, and partners within a region. Right from developing and implementing strategies to driving revenue growth, managing local teams, establishing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders, and ensuring compliance with local regulations, their role in a business is pivotal. One such leader is Leonard Chong, Country Manager of Procurri Malaysia.Leonard brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role. Leonard's journey began as an IT Administrator, evolving into a Systems Engineer with specialized knowledge in door access systems. With over a decade of experience in a multinational data center hardware OEM, Leonard has successfully led various roles, driving triple-digit growth through innovative IT consumption models.Transitioning to sales roles focusing on database and cloud products for another OEM, Leonard has now found his stride at Procurri. In his current role, he is dedicated to driving IT sustainability across Malaysia and the wider APAC region. Leonard's passion lies in propelling company growth in revenue, profit, and workforce, expanding geographical reach, and nurturing customer and partner relationships. He aims to bridge IT channel gaps and champion sustainability initiatives, all while making a meaningful societal impact and achieving professional milestones.Let's hear more from him in this one on one interaction.How do you, as the Country Manager, go about acquiring new customers in the market and cultivating lasting relationships with them?In my role as Country Manager, our customer attraction and retention strategy is proactive and multifaceted. Our focus lies in maximizing brand exposure across various platforms, showcasing our values and expertise in addressing customer issues effectively. We prioritize guiding clients toward their goals, ensuring consistent communication, transparency, and responsiveness to nurture lasting bonds. Our commitment to understanding partners' and customers' businesses deeply underscores our dedication, coupled with a sincere interest in meeting their needs. Additionally, we prioritize promptness in addressing requests, showcasing our unwavering commitment to their success. Through these concerted efforts, we foster strong, enduring relationships built on mutual trust and shared objectives. Our approach not only bolsters brand loyalty but also solidifies our position as a trusted partner in our customers' journey towards success.How do you develop a brand strategy that enhances brand awareness and builds brand equity among customers?Crafting a robust brand strategy that cultivates both brand awareness and brand equity among consumers requires a multifaceted approach. Our strategy is built upon several key pillars. Firstly, we emphasize the importance of widespread visibility, ensuring our brand is seen by as many potential customers as possible to maximize its impact. Secondly, we meticulously define our brand identity, articulating our purpose and market position clearly and cohesively. Thirdly, we work to establish a distinctive brand image rooted in our mission, vision, and values, leveraging market insights and competitive advantages. Additionally, we strategically engage with target demographics that align with our brand values, forging meaningful connections. Lastly, LEONARD CHONGSETTING NEW BENCHMARKS BEYOND BORDERSBY PRIYA S
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