Top Business Strategies to Win the Hearts of Asian Customers

Thriving and evolving as a prominent economy ever since the 1950s, the Asian market has been...

Bees Waggle Dance Inspires Robots to Communicate

The world around us is a hidden wonder, and nature often does the better things that humans can...

Middle East: A Paradise for Present-Day Entrepreneurs

Emerging as one of the most sought-after regions in the world from a business perspective, the...

Sand Batteries: A New Technology to Store Renewable Energy as Heat

The Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to affect different parts of the world in diverse ways....

Top Places That Will Complete Your Holiday Experience in Dubai

Dubai, the ‘Gulf Tiger’, is in a roaring posture today. Having had its humble beginning as a fishing village surrounded by an enormous spread...

Key Highlights of WTO's 12th Ministerial Conference

The rate of change happening in the world is similar to being in a thriller movie. Existing problems related to the environment, supply chains,...

China is Beaming into the Space-Based Solar Power

According to TheWorldCounts, the annual global energy consumption is estimated at 580 million terajoules. Solar energy will account for 60...

Ultrathin Fuel Cells: Converting Glucose into Electric Energy

The abundance of monosaccharide glucose (C6H12O6) is the main component of human blood. As it is also the most important carbohydrate fuel of...

Japan's Space Endeavors: From a Peaceful Stance to a Space Power

For decades, Japan remained within the bounds of the ‘peaceful uses of outer space’ as per the Outer Space Treaty (OST) of 1967. Following...

The New Age Response to Cyberattacks: Is Data Privacy at Risk?

VPN (Virtual Private Network) exists to ensure online safety and overall privacy for a secure web surfing experience. If that purpose is...

Here is How India & Japan Re-Use Wastewater Using Johkasou Technology

India's water demand is predicted to grow at a 2.8 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), with a supply shortfall of 50 percent by 2030,...

What is Microsoft Building for Build 2022?

Microsoft Build is a must-attend event for developers, engineers, IT professionals, students, and startups. Every year, Microsoft hosts a...

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