
More Middle Eastern Companies to Adopt Automation & Unification



The threat of persistent and advanced cyber security attacks forces firms to adopt a zero-trust approach and regularly ensure their operations, systems, and data are safe from potential dangers. The case of the Middle East, one of the fastest-growing and lucrative digital markets, is no different. The Middle East and Africa region's cyber security market is primarily driven by the rapid development of digital technologies. This is because organizations are in danger if there are insufficient cyber security measures in place due to the rise in the storage of private information in digital form. Help AG, a leading cybersecurity company, has released its State of the Market Report 2023, which provides insights into the changing cybersecurity scene and the main difficulties encountered by Middle Eastern businesses. The main investment sectors, the expansion of service-centric businesses, common cyberthreats, vulnerabilities, and tech trends that will influence the industry in 2023 and beyond are highlighted in the research.

Key Areas of Investment

The cost of cybersecurity solutions has increased significantly on a global scale, with some original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) upping their prices by over 30 percent from 2021. In order to minimize complexity and improve budget predictability, organizations are concentrating on combining their cybersecurity portfolios. This objective is being accomplished by using longer-term contracts, including Enterprise Licence Agreements (ELAs). The research also emphasizes the increase in spending on locally hosted solutions and services, particularly in Security Service Edge (SSE) and OT/IoT security as well as Managed Cyber Defence for cyber resilience and compliance.

Service-Centric Business Evolution

The transition to a services-led cybersecurity strategy is gaining traction and provides organizations with a number of benefits over conventional in-house solutions. In the report, the advantages of using a predictable operational expenditure (OPEX) payment model to access round-the-clock knowledge, cutting-edge technologies, and efficient processes are emphasized. Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), expanding the use of security service edge (SSE), cybersecurity compliance as a service, and incident response as a service (IRaaS) are a few of the new developments in cybersecurity as a service (CaaS).

Top Cyber Threats

The State of the Market Report emphasizes how firms around the area are growing more concerned about cyberthreats. An increase in malware attacks, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and criminality dominated the environment in 2022. The organizations' main risks included human factors, incorrect default credentials, and a lack of fixes. Phishing and ransomware assaults have also advanced, utilizing strategies like double extortion and social engineering. Additionally, DDoS attacks have become more varied and complicated, with high-volume attacks topping 40Gbps for UAE businesses.

Top Vulnerabilities

According to the NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD), there were a record-breaking 26,000+ vulnerabilities disclosed in 2022, according to the report. The use of weak and insecure protocols, especially on assets that are exposed to the outside world, and improper configuration and device settings appeared as the top dangers. With a focus on best practices and mitigation techniques, Help AG offers organizations important ideas for handling these risks in 2023.

Tech Trends, 2023 & Beyond

The report outlines several tech trends shaping the cybersecurity landscape in the coming years. Integrated Cyber Defense is highlighted as crucial to combat increasingly numerous and sophisticated threats. The importance of Secure Cloud Enablement, Security Services Edge (SSE), Data and Identity Protection, and IoT Security is also emphasized.

Stephan Berner, CEO of Help AG, says, “Cybersecurity is the crucial component of successful digital transformation and needs to be built in from day zero and beyond.”


 AI to slash traffic Congestion

In order to reduce traffic congestion and manage traffic lights, the UAE will collaborate with Google. Two agreements for traffic management have been reached between Google and Abu Dhabi's Integrated Transport Centre (ITC). The agreements serve as a showcase for the UAE's initiatives to advance important AI priorities for the nation in the areas of sustainability and research. The declaration was made at a gathering at the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), where the ITC also announced the beginning of two programs, one of which is Project GreenLight.

To increase the effectiveness of traffic lights in the emirate and reduce traffic congestion and CO2 emissions, an analytical system that uses AI approaches collects and analyses traffic data at intersections. To estimate traffic, identify regions of congestion, and create proactive measures to reduce it, Google's AI Platform will be used to analyze massive amounts of data from Google Maps.

The ITC will also receive precise real-time data from Google Maps on the location of accidents and locations with heavy traffic. The agreements state that the parties will work together on initiatives that harness the power of AI to raise population well-being, reduce pollution, and improve the quality of life in Abu Dhabi by creating, organizing, and implementing cutting-edge transport and mobility solutions that cater to both the immediate and long-term needs of society.

Project Green Light is a pilot project to create an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to gather vital information on traffic conditions at intersections in the United Arab Emirates. This tool will automatically optimize the efficiency of traffic light functions, helping to reduce vehicle congestion hotspots and subsequently improve air quality throughout the emirate by lowering carbon emissions.

Mohamed Hussain Karmastaji, Executive Director of the ITC’s ITS Sector, says, “Collaborating with Google will produce results that benefit road users in real-time. Through continued partnerships like this with government bodies, private sector partners, and community stakeholders, we are shaping a future where congestion is minimized, air quality is improved, and our cities thrive in harmony with the environment. With the launch of new AI tools, we are taking a significant step towards enhancing the daily commute experience for residents. We are excited about the positive impact this will have on our city, and we look forward to collaborating with stakeholders to create a sustainable, intelligent transportation system.”

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